Art Director & Writer
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Toki Toki


"Toki Toki" is an imaginary animated sitcom created by Jake Collins and Aaron Smet, following a spirited girl in a red panda costume on adventures with her lovable panda sidekick, Toki.


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Netflix show


The show revolves around the adventures of Toki and TokiToki. TokiToki is a curious little girl who often finds herself in trouble. Toki is her loyal companion who accompanies her on every adventure. Toki is often depicted chewing on a bamboo shoot. This magical bamboo shoot transforms into a bamboo stick to defend TokiToki whenever she is in danger. The magic bamboo allows Toki to harness incredible strength. Toki Toki and Toki are motherless and were raised as brother and sister. TokiToki’s father, who works for the Chinese Forest Preservation Department, found Toki abandoned in the forest after Toki’s mother was killed by poachers. He brought Toki home to raise him since the little one would have perished alone in the forest.

My Role: Art Director

Artist: Pencilbleed